Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Online event "Social Economy: an enterprise model for the future of the Mediterranean" 14th December 2020

organised by 

in cooperation with

Main speakers:

 Santina Bertulessi 
    Deputy Head, 
Cabinet of Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
European Commission
Maravillas Espín Sáez 
Director General of Self-Employment, Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility  
Ministry of Labour and Social Economy (Spain) 
Francisco Rueda Sagaseta
Member of the City Council of Toledo in charge of Tourism, Economic Promotion and Employment  

Juan Antonio Pedreño
President of CEPES and Social Economy Europe &
 General Coordinator of the ESMED Network  

Saloua Tajri
Director for the promotion of the social economy
Ministry of Tourism, Crafts, Air Transport and Social Economy (Morocco)
Presentation here

Mohammed Elrazzaz; Economic Development and Employment Division
Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)

Rodérick Egal. President of IesMed 
Presentation here


Imen Ouardani
, responsible for partnership at iesMed-Tunisie

Gianluca Pastorelli.  Executive President at DIESIS
 Presentation here

Bruno Dunkel. Manager of COOPMED
 Presentation here

More information and complete programme HERE

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

UfM Workshop online on social economy and Post-Pandemic Recovery: challenges and prospects - Outcome Document

with the support of 

Outcome document of key messages:

English: https://bit.ly/2ZpRSh9
Français: https://bit.ly/38kbneM
Español: https://bit.ly/3ijWuOp

Main speakers 

Nasser Kamel
UfM General Secretary

Nicolas Schmit
Commissioner for Jobs

Juan Antonio Pedreño
ESMED General Coordinator

Nadia Fettah
Minister of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and Social Economy (Morocco) 

Joaquín Pérez Rey
Secretary of State for Labour and Social Economy. 
Ministry of Labour and Social Economy (Spain)

Youssef Fennira
Director General of the National employment and self-employment Agency (ANETI) (Tunisia)

Jérôme Saddier,
President of the French Chamber of Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS France- ESMED member) and Vice-president of Social Economy Europe (SEE)

Patrick Klein
Team Leader “Social Economy”. DG GROW. 
European Commission 

Leonardo Pofferi
Italian Co-operative Alliance

Sarah Diouri 
Director of Bidaya (Morocco)

Rachid Abidi 
Director of Lab'ess (Tunisia) 

Klimentina Ilijevski 
Executive Director of PUBLIC- Association for research, communications and development 
(Republic of North Macedonia)

Mohammed Elrazzaz 
UfM Secretariat
Economic Development and Employment Division

Carmen Comos,
Director General 
Spanish Confederation of Social Economy Enterprises (CEPES)

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Social economy: a lever for inclusive, sustainable growth for the social and economic recovery of the Euro-Mediterranean region

Secretariat of the Euro-Mediterranean Social Economy Network (ESMED)
Contribution to the UfM online workshop
“Social Economy and Post-Pandemic Recovery: Challenges and Prospects”
26 June 2020

Please, click here: https://bit.ly/31j5OMj    

L’économie sociale : un levier pour une croissance inclusive durable de la relance socio-économique dans la région euro-méditerranéenne

Secrétariat du Réseau Euroméditerranéen de l’Économie Sociale (ESMED) 

Contribution pour l’événement en ligne de l’UpM 
« L’Économie sociale et relance post-pandémique: Défis et perspectives»

Télécharger ici: https://bit.ly/31utAFn

La economía social: una palanca para el crecimiento inclusivo sostenible de la recuperación social y económica de la región euro-mediterránea

Secretariado de la Red Euro-mediterránea de la Economía Social (ESMED)
Contribución para el evento de la UpM
“La Economía Social y la Recuperación tras la Pandemia: Desafíos y Perspectivas”
Accesible aquí: https://bit.ly/3eyNTVM  

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Social Economy Good practices in front of the COVID-19 around the Mediterranean

Social Economy Good practices in front of the COVID-19 around the Mediterranean
May 2020

France (information provided by ESS-France): 

Support services to social economy enterprises provided by social economy organisations and good practices:

National Measures to support social economy
Coordination committee of the French government with social economy organisations to support social economy










Monday, February 10, 2020

Photos Mediterranean Social Economy Forum - MedaWeek 2019 - Barcelona

Photos of the Mediterranean Social Economy Forum - MedaWeek November 2019

More than 80 people from 15 Southern and European mediterranean countries attended the last Mediterranean Social Economy Forum organised by the ESMED Network and ASCAME the 22nd November 2019 in Barcelona. The final programme of the event is available here

Milestones of the social economy at EU and international levels - Beguining 2020

Milestones of the social economy at EU and international levels

European Union:

  • European Action Plan for the Social Economy of the European Commission.

The European Commission has confirmed - on the occasion of its Communication A Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions issued last January - the launch in 2021 of an European  Action Plan for the social economy. This Plan is the answer of the EU Instituions to the strong request of the European social economy organisations structured around Social Economy Europe - the European social economy platform - of which some ESMED organisations (ESS- France, CASES from Portugal and CEPES from Spain) are members.

This plan will make it possible to move forward and implement a European policy for the social economy. Please, find the proposal for an Action Plan that Social Economy Europe developed and presented to the Vice-President of the Commission in January 2019 here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11Rxq-BKFD3TgnHpnmA2WRHEbjpcviRKN

  • Renewal of the European Parliament's Social Economy Intergroup:
The European Parliament confirmed end December the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup for the 2019-2023 mandate. More than 100 Members of European Parliament from the main political groups have supported this Intergroup. This confirms the political consensus around the social economy as a driver of economic and social development in the European Union.

This Intergroup is a strategic forum for the social economy in the European Union where the EU Institutions (Parliament, Commission, Economic and Social Committee) engage since 1990 with the social economy organisations a dialogue to implement policies for these enteprises and organisations. For example, the Intergroup will have to play a key role in the debate and development of the European Social Economy Action Plan.

More info here: https://mailchi.mp/socialeconomy.eu.org/the-social-economy-intergroup-is-relaunched

  •  European Social Economy Summit. November 2020.
The city of Mannheim (Germany) will host the European Social Economy Summit on 26 and 27 November. The aim of the summit is to strengthen the European social economy and to exploit its contribution to economic development, social inclusion and green and digital transitions. Discussions will focus on three dimensions: the digitization of the social economy, (social) innovation, transnational and cross-sector collaboration.

The Summit invited social economy actors to hold side events at the Summit. More info: https://www.euses2020.eu

  • Spain: Ministry of Labour and Social Economy.

Spanish new government following the November general elections has created a Ministry for Social Economy. This is the first that social economy is subject of a ministry in Spain.

International organizations.

  • United Nations. The role of cooperatives and mutuelles in social development.
The Secretary General of the United Nations published a report on the role of cooperatives in social development that highlights the contribution of cooperatives and mutuals in access to health and financial inclusion, among other topics related to the development of the social economy. The text is available in here: https://undocs.org/en/A/74/206

  • International Labour Office (ILO). Report on financing social economy 
The ILO has published a report on "Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Ecosystems in the Social and Solidarity Economy.". The full report can be downloaded here: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/---emp_ent/---coop/documents/publication/wcms_728367.pdf