From 10h00 to 12h30 (Brussels time)
With the support of
Confirmed speakers:
Nicolas Schmit
for jobs and social rights (video)
Abdelkader El Khissassi
Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean in charge of Economic Development and Employment
Juan Antonio Pedreño
General Coordinator of the ESMED Network & President of CEPES and Social Economy Europe
Alessia Di Gregorio
Deputy Head of Unit - Proximity, Social Economy and
Creative Industries. European Commission
Maravillas Espín Sáez
Director General Autonomous Work, Social
Economy and CSR. Ministry of Labour and Social Economy (Spain)
Saloua Tajri
Director for the promotion of the Social Economy. Ministry of Tourism, Crafts and Social and Solidarity Economy (Morocco)
Férihane Korbi Boussoffara
Director General, Agency for employment and
self-employment (Tunisia)
Carla Ventura
Vice-President, CASES (Cooperative António Sérgio for the Social Economy) (Portugal)
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Yahia Nazef
Coordination Committee of Mutual Benefit Societies
Antoine Détourné
Director General. French Chamber of Social and
Solidarity Economy. ESS France
Training, Research and Foreign relations Coordinator. National Co-operative Union of Turkey (NCUT)
Francesca Ottolenghi
Italian Cooperative Alliance
Carmen Comos
CEPES Director General
More information